
Topic 5 key platform

There are thousands of social networks available online today; trying to join each and interacting on them will stretch your efforts far too thin to the point that you’re not making any impact. It’s best to focus on just a few social networks at a time. Staying focused on a small group of social networks will allow you to devote time for market interaction, sharing content and building an online brand.

As part of creating a social media strategy with any client, it’s imperative that at least some of our discussion revolves around the tools and technology – namely which social platforms are best suited for their business needs. To grow your business, there are some platform for your to choose:

Facebook is the essential social network that every business should be a part of due to the massive size of the platform.
Twitter is a micro blogging platform where users may interact, share content and build a strong personal brand using 140 characters or less.
Blogging is a traditional social media platform that has been around for years now. Blogging provides benefits over a static website because of its ability to readily share timely information, provide a platform for users to interact and integrate other social networks using widgets and plugins.
Pinterest: An online inboard used to organize and share your inspiration.
Quora: This site allows you to gain followers and follow users, but you can also follow questions and/or topics.
Yelp: Yelp is a great tool for local businesses and restaurants.
SlideShare: is a community for sharing presentations.

