

google+  This social wedsite is new and fresh for me. Actually, i did't use this before and i have no ideas how to use it. Then, when i get into it, i found  a lots fun in it. We can share those interesting things for everyone or just your own circles.  And it also can play games and creat the event for your friends. There are many useful function, like Sparks, Hangouts, Huddle, Instant Upload, all these are make the google+ more interesting and convenience to talk to our firends.

This is my google+.  hope you can enjoy it. (+qiaoer)


Topic 10 mistakes

when you set up a complete and integrity social media marketing plan. Next, you should be aware of the mistakes during managing the social media marketing. So, there are some suggestions for those mistakes, which you may probably use.
  • Not (or Barely) Monitoring
  • "Down-sourcing" to Interns or Junior Staff
  • Fast Beats Perfect
  • Faking It
  • Having an "Off" Switch
  • Repetition of Content
  • The Personal Touch
  • No Real Followers
  • Less Visibility
  • Inconsistency will lead to failure.4465834448 7955fcefff Top 10 Social Media Marketing Mistakes That You Mustnt Make
It's important to realize that social media marketing does work, but as with any marketing strategy, there are the core pieces of that strategy that you must implement. You must find the right social media marketing vehicles that will work for you and your industry, as well as design the campaigns that will present you with the results that you desire. It is a low to no-cost marketing option, but you will need to invest your time.


topic 11 Social Media Analytics

For this final topic, it talk about the analytics. And these aim to monitor and measurement of SM marketing strategies. Beside the analytics tools given in the Social Lams, i have found some other anaytic tools on the internet.
  1. PageLever.comFacebook fan page insights and analytics on steroids.
  2. PeopleBrowsr.com – One of the most comprehensive social media planning and monitoring tools ever released.
  3. kyoo.com – Not a classic analytics tool, but it does give you a snapshot of online buzz relating to selected keywords.
  4. SiteTrail.com – Have you ever wanted to get an idea of how a competitor’s website is performing? Well, now you can thanks to SiteTrail.com.
  5. TwentyFeet.com – This helps you aggregate all of your social media performance data in the one place.
  6. Tiny.ly – Tiny.ly is a URL shortener (like Bit.ly) but packs in real-time sharing and usage stats into the mix. Very handy.
  7. Tweeb – an app for your iPhone that delivers bespoke Twitter analytics.
  8. SimplyMeasured.com – Treat yourself to a free social media competitor analysis here.
  9. CrowdBooster.com – This is an engagement dashboard which has some serious analytics capabilities built in.
  10. Social Tracking Plugin from Google – Google has gone social in a big way in 2011 and this handy plugin works well alongside your standard analytics reporting.

For further studies,we should know that No one can afford risk in a trembling economy. To achieve success you need to measure and monitor your social media efforts efficiently. There are some ways to monitor the success of the SM marketing strategies.First, Establish a strategic social media plan by setting measurable goals that correspond directly with the goals and objectives of your business. Second, Listening consistently allows you to respond to comments and questions in a timely manner as well as enabling you to foresee and fend off crisis. Next, Examine competitor activity to assess how you are performing in relation to others in your field. Furtherly, to Monitor engagements and  Keep an eye on ROI. Finally, Save time and eliminate frustration by measuring all your social media from the one platform.

Resource: http://www.socialmedia.ie/8-tips-for-success-with-social-media-monitoring-and-measurement/



topic 9 campaigns

what is campaigns? According to the  Jason Cormier’s Four C’s. The campaigns is that it refers to the planning and implementation of your social media marketing ideas. In order to have successful campaign, you’ll need supporting applications that can establish your online presence, monitor communication around your brand, and measure your campaign’s success.

to develop a proper social media strategy can pay great dividends in future initiatives. Some of the best practices consider the following:

  • Executive Sponsor & Cross-Functional Social Media Team
  • Social media guidelines for employees on appropriate use and conduct on social
  • networking sites
  • Reviewing and auditing social media assets at least quarterly
  • Developing a succession plan for Twitter accounts and Facebook Pages
  • Establish a process for handing off certain customer requests or complaints
  • Stanardizing on tools and metrics, policies and processes
  • Grassroots outreach
  • Partnering with IT, Legal and Compliance
  • Communicating Business Value to your Stakeholders
And there are some successful example for you.

5winning social media campaigns to learn from.read more:
3 Brilliant Social Media Marketing Campaigns & Why They Worked. Read more:



Topic 8 social CRM

From our social lams, the social CRM is defined as as the process of retaining and managing a customer relationship, Social Media’s role in this relationship is to recruit customers into the process.

While, according to some information i found in the internet, there are some other definitions about it. Here are some explanations:

1 Social CRM is first a strategy that is often supported by various tools and technologies. The strategy is based around customer engagement and interactions, with transactions being a byproduct.

2 Social customer relationship management (CRM) is a phrase used to describe the addition of a social element in traditional CRM processes. Social CRM builds upon CRM by leveraging a social element that enables a business to connect customer conversations and relationships from social networking sites in to the CRM process. Social CRM may also be called CRM 2.0 or abbreviated as SCRM (social customer relationship management).

3  Social CRM 2012 is a one-day conference that will explore the latest tools and techniques for implementing a successful Social CRM strategy.

These two pictures illustrate the difference between traditional and social CRM.


Topic 6 relationship building

Accroding to the topic 6 about Learning when to listen and when to speak. As for me, to build a strong relationship depend on the listening within the social media. Just as when we write we have to know what we want to say. We have to know what we’re listening for. we’re listening for what people aren’t saying, but want to. And we should know what to listen for and how to get the most from listening tools. Here some notice you should be aware.

  1. Listen for quantity of response. Lots of folks saying the same thing is worth taking note of. Are they a crowd or a mob following each other? Are they a trend of individuals who have discovered something worth pointing out?
  2. Listen for the odd response that is way out of line. Someone on the edges of the responses could be offering am Einstein-like response.
  3. Listen for the spaces between the words. Ask some question about what’s not being said and listen again and again.
  4. Listen for the source of the speaker and the bias the speaker might have. Listen for who’s trying to get attention, who wants favor with the listeners.
  5. Listen for the things that you don’t want to hear. They’re the most important information you’ll gather on any listening trek.
  6. Listen to find the people who have more to offer than opinions, but innovative ideas and product plans. If you can, find a way to make a relationship with them.
  7. Listen to find the evangelists who love your company, who defend you when you’re attacked. Let them know they’re appreciated.
More detail in:
There are specific example for listening: http://www.successful-blog.com/1/twitter-are-you-listening/


Topic 5 key platform

There are thousands of social networks available online today; trying to join each and interacting on them will stretch your efforts far too thin to the point that you’re not making any impact. It’s best to focus on just a few social networks at a time. Staying focused on a small group of social networks will allow you to devote time for market interaction, sharing content and building an online brand.

As part of creating a social media strategy with any client, it’s imperative that at least some of our discussion revolves around the tools and technology – namely which social platforms are best suited for their business needs. To grow your business, there are some platform for your to choose:

Facebook is the essential social network that every business should be a part of due to the massive size of the platform.
Twitter is a micro blogging platform where users may interact, share content and build a strong personal brand using 140 characters or less.
Blogging is a traditional social media platform that has been around for years now. Blogging provides benefits over a static website because of its ability to readily share timely information, provide a platform for users to interact and integrate other social networks using widgets and plugins.
Pinterest: An online inboard used to organize and share your inspiration.
Quora: This site allows you to gain followers and follow users, but you can also follow questions and/or topics.
Yelp: Yelp is a great tool for local businesses and restaurants.
SlideShare: is a community for sharing presentations.

Topic 4 planning

To draw up and implement a structure Social Media Strategy Planning is a key parts for  having a successful social media campaign. I just look into some more information about how to implement a successful and effective social media strategy planing. i find that there are five-step process that is intended to help businesses develop and implement successful social media plans which continuously build and improve upon themselves.
The components include: A Direction (Goal), A Target (Target Market), Uniqueness (Differentiator), Technology (Marketing Tools), and Assessment (Feedback)
the picture shows the conection of this five components.
5-Component Social Media Strategy
Also, there are another statement of developing  an Effective Social Media Strategy.
1 assessment, 2 implementation, 3 monitor, measure and momentum.
Further information:
Therefore in order to maximize your social media marketing dollars and time, you should get a consummate social media strategy planning. And you can follow those steps to implement those strategy step by step.

Topic 3 Groundswell

the book of Groundswell tells us what is 'groudswell', what is it for? what kind of strategy use in it. In brief, Groundswell have two objects, one is that it is a new way of thinking about online social phenomena and trends, the other one is a set of strategies for companies engaging with customers through social technologies.

There are some major Groundswell themes:
  • Increasingly, people use technologies to get the things they from each other, rather than from traditional institutions like corporations.
  • This trend is broader than the individual technologies that make it up.
  • Companies can turn the trend to their advantage.
  • Determine first what your customers are ready for and tour objective; only then can you pick a strategy.
  • Groundswell strategies can be deliver powerful, measurable returns in research, marketing, sales, support, and product development.
  • Companies succeeding with these strategies must give up control to reap these powerful advantages.
  • Many of these same techniques can be used with your employees, not just your customers.
  • Engaging with the groundswell will eventually transform your company into one that is more and more customer-focused.
Besides, you should know some power tools to approach to Groundswell
  1. Social technographics profile: analyze the social profile of your customer base
  2. POST method: a systematic process for social strategy development
 When you know who your customers are, where they hang out online and what they are doing, coupled with identifying what your company wants out of a social media plan, then and only then you can focus on what technologies are the most appropriate for you to use. If you are able to keep to this model to create an effective and well though out social media strategy, any anxiety toward the Groundswell will, hopefully, subside.

resources: josh B, (Groundswell ideas), mar17, 2008



Topic 2 digital identity

As the development of the internet, the digital identity are more and more improtant. First of all, what's digital identity? Actually, I have been search for the definition on the internet. there are lots different explanations for it. I just find a suitable one for it is "Digital Identity’ (DI) is a term to describe the persona an individual presents across all the digital communities in which he or she is represented." This explanation are more intend to the digital identity's means.

Speaking of the which, we leave a ‘digital footprint’. This ‘footprint’ is what makes up our Digital Identity (DI) – all those things which can be found out about us from the content you posts, the profiles we make, the conversations we have with others and the things other people post about us. 

What's improtanty is that, you should probably know your own digital identity. Because there are so many ways to get online, and contact friends and professional acquaintances, you might find that you have bits and pieces of your DI spread across many services.  What’s more, other people might post things about you without you knowing about it.  If you use different names when you sign up to services, it might be harder for other people to be able to make the connection between your different profiles – and that added difficulty may be a good thing or a bad thing.